Tuesday, November 1, 2016

15 Differences Between Amateur & Pro Slides

This presentation reinforces CRAP.  I really like slide 6 that talks about fonts.


  1. I really like this SlideShare because instead of just showing and describing a well designed slide, it also includes a poorly designed slide. This allows the person who his viewing the presentation to compare and contrast.

  2. This presentation was good and did reinforce CRAP. The format it was in was simple yet aesthetic so it held my attention. I also thought it was funny how it used the title of it's own powerpoint to provide an example of a "Professional Slide" in slide 15.

  3. I like the comparison between the professional slide and the amateur slide. You receive a visual representation of what to do and what not to do. I like slide 16 because I feel like a lot of people overload their power points with words. It is meant to be a visual aid tool, not a book.
